Get rid of BHP problems with Cialis

Cialis and BHP

Medical scientists of Israel made a curious discovery. When using a drug geared to restore an erection, you can treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP). The results of the studies were so convincing that the Ministry of Health of Israel approved the application of Cialis for BHP in Uro-oncology.

Get rid of BHP problems with Cialis

Almost 2,000 men participated in clinical trials on a voluntary basis. In the course of trials, the efficacy of the medical drug and its safety were confirmed. To treat BHP, they use 5 mg of substance, which significantly increased the potency. The same dosage is used for increasing potency, as well.

If you still ask yourself “Does Cialis Work For BHP?”, then you will be happy to know that Cialis manufactured by the American pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly, received approval of a new indication. The European Commission has given permission to use the drug to treat signs and symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Initially, European regulators approved the drug in 2002 for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Thanks to this approval, Cialis became the only drug in Europe for men suffering from both erectile dysfunction and BHP. Therefore, the approval of a single drug for both indications provides a new successful treatment option for patients.

The FDA issued a registration certificate for Cialis (tadalafil) in 2010, approving it as a remedy for the treatment of signs and symptoms of BHP, as well as for use by men with erectile dysfunction and DHP. The drug has already received approval in Canada, Brazil, Russia, Israel and a number of other countries.

A few words about BHP

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a benign tumor that grows from the gland tissues and leads to problems with urination. The disease is very common among men of 50 years old. Almost 50 % of men of this age and older already have it.

Common symptoms include:

  • strong and constant urge to urinate,
  • intermittent urination, the inability to completely empty the bladder despite strong urges,
  • stress when urinating,
  • weak or intermittent urine streams,
  • jerky and strained urine emissions at the end of the urination process,
  • increased frequency of urination,
  • painful or burning sensations when urinating.

Inability to urinate is a serious symptom of a severe form of BHP, requiring immediate medical intervention. Therefore, BHP should be treated, and the sooner you do it, the less damage the body will get.

The causes of BHP and its treatment

The main risk factors include:

  1. The age. It's is a major risk factor for BHP. More than half of men have BHP at the age of 60 years and about 85 % of men have BHP at the age of 85 years. Rarely, there are symptoms of the disease under 41.
  2. Family history. A family history of BHP most likely increases a person's chances of developing this pathology.
  3. Heart diseases. High blood pressure, low levels of HDL (a "good" cholesterol), diabetes and peripheral arterial disease can increase the risk of BHP.

Lifestyle factors harmful to the heart (e.g., lack of physical activity, smoking and improper nutrition) also increase the risk of BHP or worsen its symptoms.

There are also several treatment ways. They depend on how much the symptoms interfere with the patient's life, on the stage of BHP, the age of the patient, overall health, and any other medical conditions.

For treatment, you can use:

  1. Expectant treatment. As BHP rarely causes serious complications, men usually choose expectant management, which includes lifestyle changes and annual screening. When choosing this way, it is still necessary to pass an examination to exclude other disorders.
  2. Medical drugs. Experience shows that drugs are the best choice for men with mild to moderate symptoms. The choice includes alpha-blockers, antiandrogens, or combinations of these two groups. Recent advances in drug therapy have reduced the need for surgical intervention.
  3. Surgery. A quarter of men with moderate symptoms, and most men with severe symptoms eventually rely on surgical intervention.

Why Cialis is so popular

Cialis and BHP — you can often hear this combination because the new solution in the BHP treatment is phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors such as tadalafil (Cialis). They help to reduce the clinical symptoms of BHP if the constant of the prostate on the urethra caused problems with erection.

Cialis action

One pill of Cialis contains 5 mg of tadalafil and non-medical ingredients (hydroxypropyl cellulose, iron oxide, talc, and others). This medicine does not contain any dyes, gluten, and sucrose.

Due to the increase in the number of sexual acts, the seminiferous tubules are emptied oftener, what contributes to the restoration of normal blood circulation and the decline of edema in the prostate gland, prevents the formation of connective tissue in place of damaged cells.

Cialis relaxes the muscles in the prostate and bladder and helps to alleviate such symptoms as frequent need to urinate, painful urination or a feeling of not completely emptying the bladder.

Application Features

According to official statements of health professionals, Cialis does not cause serious side effects. 11 % of men have mild headache, 7 % have dyspepsia. The severity of the other side effects is extremely low. The drug does not change the frequency of the heart rate, as well as not influence the color perception. In some patients, prolonged administration of the drug provokes the dilatation of blood vessels, lowering of arterial pressure, or leads to headaches.

A special dose selection for elderly men is not required. Recommendations for admission are the same for men of any age, beginning at age 18. It is not recommended increasing the daily dose of more than 10 mg for patients with violations of the liver and kidneys.

With symptoms associated with BHP, the recommended dose of the drug is 5 mg. Pills are taken once a day. The course of treatment lasts up to 4 weeks. The need for correction of this dosage is absent even in the presence of any concomitant condition in the patient. Another nice feature of taking this medication is that you can easily purchase Cialis online, by doing it anonymously and without leaving home.

In addition to taking Cialis, doctors recommend changing the lifestyle (exclude alcohol and caffeine, reduce the amount of liquid to 2 liters per day, maintain an active lifestyle and a healthy weight, and urinate at least every 3 hours). It will also be useful to train pelvic muscles and include more vegetables and fruits in the menu.

In recent years, a real breakthrough in the field of cancer treatment of benign nature, a number of innovative drugs has been developed. Means to restore the erection (such as Cialis for instance) are, no doubt, one of them.