when to take viagra for best results

There is not a happy, but an indisputable fact concerning medicine: nowadays practically every second man experiences problems with erection. This indication doesn’t significantly vary in different countries. Some men face these problems from time to time, other suffer from constant violations in the genital sphere. Among the large number of various herbal, chemical and homeopathic medicines for treating erectile dysfunction, Viagra is known extremely well – perhaps better than any other given drug. It would be rather hard to find a man who hasn’t heard about Viagra, even if he never took it himself.

How Does Viagra Work?

Viagra is a revolutionary medicine in the sphere of erection problems. It turned the whole pharmaceutical world upside down when it entered the market in late 1990s.

Viagra was invented by the specialists of a large American pharmaceutical company Pfizer in the beginning of 1990s, when they synthesized a chemical substance called sildenafil citrate. This active substance was intended to be used for treating heart problems, namely stenocardia, but the scientists faced an extraordinary surprise: the newly synthesized drug had a great effect on the quality of erection, significantly improving it in men of different age and with different causes of erectile dysfunction (ED).

Sildenafil citrate works through dilating blood vessels of the penis, especially of its cavernous bodies. When blood vessels in male genital organs are relaxed, the penis gets filled with a larger amount of blood, and in this way a hard stable erection is achieved.

Viagra, however, doesn’t help reaching an erection if a man is not sexually aroused. So, taking this medicine can’t be a solution in case if a man wants to have a hard-on for any given woman, especially in the absence of sexual stimulation.

Viagra is a drug specially for men and shouldn’t be used in women, as it would have no effect on them – or only side effects (Buying Viagra in Canada).

How Long Does Viagra Work?

As any other medicine, in order for Viagra to act, it should be taken in accordance with the instruction manual and doctor’s advice. It is prohibited to take Viagra more often than once a day. Usually it is prescribed to take Viagra in the dosage of 50 mg, but for some men the dosage of 25 mg is enough. Pills containing 100 mg of sildenafil citrate exist as well, but taking them requires extreme caution, because side effects can be expressed very strongly and may have a negative impact on health.

Viagra should be taken about an hour before a planned sexual intercourse, at least not earlier. The time when the effect of the active substance reaches its peak varies in different men, but most often, as patients report, it takes place about thirty or twenty minutes after the intake. In some patients, Viagra starts to act already fifteen minutes after the intake, but such a situation happens much more seldom.

As for the term of action of Viagra, this question is a more controversy one. Some men claim that Viagra improves their erection for five or even six hours, some individuals argue that a “magic blue pill” is active only for an hour or two. In order to make this issue clear, let’s turn to statistical researches. They show that in the average a 50 mg pill of Viagra has a pronounced effect on men during about three, up to four hours. If after a longer period of time a man insists that he still feels the effect of Viagra, he is either very sensitive to sildenafil citrate or this is just a psychological effect of the drug. Specialists agree that sometimes such a psychological effect is even more important for a man than physiological one.

Viagra Not Working

Sometimes disappointed men report that Viagra had no effect on them, though they expected a magical effect. There can be several reasons explaining the absence of the effect of Viagra:

  • The most often one is too much of alcohol in your organism. Up to some point alcohol doesn’t interfere with sex, but when you get really drunk, not a single pill in the world will make your penis hard. In addition, Viagra belongs to a type of drugs which shouldn’t be taken with alcohol at all, because such a combination creates a huge load on cardiovascular system.
  • If a man doesn’t feel any sexual desire and is not sexually stimulated, Viagra won’t work as well.
  • Extreme tiredness is also an obstacle for Viagra’s effect. Side effects, however, still take place.
  • Also, the reason of such a failure may be in taking certain medications in conjunction with Viagra.
  • There is an important moment to pay attention to: Viagra, like any other medicine, can be counterfeit, that is, a fake. And instead of the active substance in the pill there can be at best pounded chalk. There are lots of counterfeits of original Viagra. The number of fakes among generics of Viagra is even lower, which may sound strange. Buying Viagra or generic Viagra it is worth to look closely at the quality of packaging and the manufacturer.
  • If a person suffers from chronic fatigue, then Viagra, too, can refuse to act, thereby protecting the organism.
  • Finally, it can turn out that the cause of a man’s sexual dysfunction can’t be cured by taking Viagra. Not all the pathological conditions are cured by Viagra. In cases of some organic causes of erectile dysfunction other kinds of treatment are necessary.

Anyway, before taking Viagra is it strongly recommended to consult with a specialist.

Viagra with Food

It is better to take Viagra on an empty stomach or before eating, if a man wants to feel its effect sooner. If you comply with these conditions, the effect of Viagra will be more pronounced and will manifest faster than if you take the drug after eating. This effect is due to the fact that a less loaded stomach allows the pills to faster dissolve and absorb into the blood. If a man still takes the drug after a meal, then he should be ready to wait some time in order for the pill to dissolve and absorb, that is, the result will come later.