What Happens When You Use Viagra But Do not Have ED

What Happens When You Use Viagra But Don’t Have ED?

Almost all the men from time to time face problems in sexual sphere of life. Most often problems with erection appear among busy men whose job demands a lot of psychological efforts. If this doesn’t become a system, this is normal, a man is not a machine and doesn’t have to be always ready for sex. But if the libido is present and failures to have a successful sexual act repeat more often and become a rule, this is a reason to visit a doctor: the situation will not cure itself.
Problems with man’s power don’t arise just occasionally. They always have a reason, like organic and psychogenic disorders. Negative emotions, conflicts in the family, stress and other everyday problems are always harmful for men’s health. Organic causes of ED are connected with psychological and can combine together, making the situation worse.

Viagra: Looking Inside The Drug

Viagra is a medicine for treating erectile dysfunction. Its active ingredient is called Sildenafil. There are tableted and injectable drugs aimed at improving men’s force. Viagra is a medicine for oral intake, known since the very day when its production began. Original Viagra and its generics are used by men all around the world. Generics contain the same active substance as Viagra, but their price is lower and they are manufactured by the companies which don’t own the original patent. Sildenafil dilates blood vessels in the penis, letting it be filled with more blood. The drug is taken for some time before the alleged sexual intercourse, providing a stable erection for a certain time which varies in different cases, lasting up to five hours. The present knowledge about this drug allows to assign it to patients for both episodic and long-term treatment of erectile dysfunction. Of course, with all precautions taken into account.

It’s not a rare case when a man after taking the “magical pill” several times feels much stronger concerning his sexuality and don’t have to take the medicine any more to be on top in bed. Viagra has got some contraindications and side effects, it is quite a serious medicine, though nowadays it can be found in almost any given drug store. Among the side effects, the change in color perception is observed, when one color, for example, red, seems to be orange or green. The continuation of an erection after ejaculation is also not a pleasant sensation. Sometimes stuffiness in the nose and headache is observed as well. It is proved that Viagra can’t be taken in combination with nitroglycerin. It’s better also not to take the drug with alcohol.

Taking Viagra Without ED

Sometimes a man wonders what happens if he takes a pill of Viagra, not having erectile dysfunction. This is one of the most popular questions among young people. The guys are okay, they have no problems with sex life, but... They want experiments. In addition, widespread rumors about how someone, having tried Viagra, has become an unbelievably great lover and all the girls belong to him, excite young men (Best Place To Buy Generic Viagra Online).

In fact, nothing special will happen, at least nothing bad.

If everything is all right, you don’t need any special drugs, as you will feel nothing fundamentally new after the intake. But if there are problems with potency like vascular disease, spinal cord injury, then still the exact diagnosis can be issued only by a doctor. Therefore, first you have to go to the urologist or sexologist.

On the contrary, Viagra stabilizes the work of the genital organs and promotes the appearance of a second erection even in healthy men. Viagra provides the prolongation of the sexual act. In addition, Viagra stabilizes the work of the sexual apparatus, reducing the influence of various negative factors of everyday life. Viagra can help you to be on top even after a hard working day – if you, of course, yourself want it. Viagra only acts if there is emotional excitement. Without it the use of Viagra in any dosage won’t cause any effect.

If the drug is taken too often, you can become psychologically dependent, when you need Viagra to be self-assured.

Drugs against ED

Drugs for treating ED can be divided into three groups:

  • biologically active additives, which are not exactly drugs,
  • inhibitors of phosphodiesterase type 5, to which Viagra belongs,
  • injectable medicines, to which belong prostaglandins E1.

The last ones also increase the volume of blood entering the penis. They are injected into the penis, which sounds quite like a threat. Afterwards immediately comes a full erection, even without sexual arousal. Of course, such medicines aren’t used in everyday life in purposes of improving bed affairs.

Warnings About Viagra

Viagra and its generics remain the most often used medicines for treating erectile dysfunction. Their use is convenient, side effects occur not very often and are temporary. Viagra is effective in 80% patients.

If you have been taking Viagra for a long time, after you stop, you can think that your erection has become worse, less stable, depending on external factors, but it’s not really so – you just return to your usual sexual life, with all the usual fluctuations like dependence of erection on the emotional state, tiredness at work, general state of health.

Viagra has to be prescribed by a doctor. Special studies about the sudden death of patients who took Viagra because of a heart attack have proven that the drug itself was not the cause of such accidents, but it’s not advised to take the medicine for people suffering from heart diseases. Viagra accumulates in a small amount in the blood, but if a man doesn’t have serious liver problems, it doesn’t harm the health and doesn’t cause complications of the existing chronic ailments.

It is prohibited to take Viagra for children and adolescents under 18 years old.